I am a mixed-method researcher who uses data-driven insights to improve user experiences and help businesses grow.
Places I've worked @ Meta (Reality Lab, Commerce Platform), Glints Vietnam, University of Washington
Welcome to my side of the Internet.
Below you can find a variety of user-centered research and publications on Technology and Information in my working tenure.
A simplified look on my research process would look like this: Understand problems > Define & scope > Research & recommendations > Happy users = Growth. My process may vary, but collaboration with stakeholders is always the constant.
Currently, I’m
- researching user experience of VR/AR devices at Meta Reality Labs
- building Lego’s The Tranquil Garden
- reading Hacking Growth by Sean Ellis and Morgan Brown
- obsessed with matcha latte and udon
Boosting buyer trust with clear pricing
A series of unmoderated design tests that aimed to drive buyer trust by improving how pricing and promotions are displayed throughout the shopping journey.
Reducing friction to grow active users
The project assessed the website’s usability and the current job market to identify barriers faced by Vietnamese candidates when applying for positions at Glints.
Enhancing residents awareness of anti-littering campaigns
The project explored residents' attitudes towards littering and their awareness of anti-littering campaigns in a Tennessee city, with the goal of informing the city's outreach strategies.
publications & presentations
⟡ academic papers
Anh Le, Michelle Ma, Linh Bui, Anna Shi, Linh Pham, Carmen Gonzalez, Jason C. Yip. 2024 “I felt like I was doing grown-up things”: Young Adult Reflections on their Childhood Experiences of Online Searching and Brokering in Immigrant Families. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact., 8, CSCW1, Article 68 (April 2024), 30 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3637345.
Moran, R., Nguyễn, S., & Bui, L. (2023). Sending news back home: misinformation lost in transnational social networks. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 7(CSCW1), 1-36. https://doi.org/10.1145/3579521.
Nguyễn, S., Moran, R. E., Nguyen, T. A., & Bui, L. (2023). “We Never Really Talked About politics”: Race and Ethnicity as Foundational Forces Structuring Information Disorder Within the Vietnamese Diaspora. Political Communication, 40(4), 415-439. https://doi.org/10.1080/10584609.2023.2201940
⟡ symposiums / presentations
Ideological differences among Asians and Asian Americans