I am a mixed-method researcher who uses data-driven insights to improve user experiences and help businesses grow.

Places I've worked @ Meta (Reality Lab, Commerce Platform), Glints Vietnam, University of Washington

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Enhancing residents awareness of anti-littering campaigns

2 minutes to read · 240 words
tl;dr: The project explored residents' attitudes towards littering and their awareness of anti-littering campaigns in a Tennessee city, with the goal of informing the city's outreach strategies.

Methods: In-depth Interview, Literature Review

Timeline: August 2024 — November 2024

The What

  • Conducted in-depth interviews with 7 residents to understand motivations and barriers around littering and water contamination.
  • Worked with the Content Strategist to develop actionable recommendations based on user insights.

The Why

  • Littering is a persistent issue, impacting both the environment and water quality. This study aimed to identify residents’ motivations and barriers to litter reduction to guide the city’s outreach efforts.

The Who

  • Partnered with a UX Researcher to design and execute the research, a Content Strategist to develop actionable recommendations, and a Project Lead to oversee project progress.
  • Clients include the city partners.

The How

Part one: Getting to know the residents

  • The city lacked existing research on this issue, so we conducted in-depth interviews to gain insights into residents’ behaviors and perceptions. We recruited participants through neighborhood associations, social media, and UserInterview. The sample included 7 residents from different neighborhoods to capture diverse perspectives.
  • I developed the research plan and moderation guide, and conducted interviews with residents.

Part two: Developing actionable guidance

  • The Content Strategist conducted a website audit to suggest improvements for accessibility and information delivery.
  • I researched successful anti-littering initiatives in other cities to provide case studies and recommend strategies that could be adapted to the city’s context.

Anticipated Impact

  • Short-term: Improve outreach and educational efforts to reduce littering in the city.
  • Long-term: Use research insights to drive behavior change, with litter reduction serving as the ultimate success metric.